
Paulo Gomes Adds Breakout Learning to Courses

Written by Nikita Rogatnev | Jan 30, 2025 8:17:44 PM


Paulo Gomes, Assistant Professor at Florida International University used Breakout Learning’s Original cases and custom Dialogs to enhance his classroom discussions.

Using Breakout's award-winning discussion platform, Gomes researched how introverts and extroverts in his class participated in the discussions. Over the course the semester, he found that both introverts and extroverts participated equally in the conversations—and over time, introverts grew more confident and increased their contributions. By creating a balanced and engaging environment, Breakout Learning helped all students think critically and collaborate effectively. 

In Gomes words, "With the Breakout Learning, what I saw is that the contributions were more even… The quieter students were able to speak a little more and express their ideas, contributing to the diversity of the dialogue. With the Breakout experience, I could feel that they were engaged and I could feel that they were well prepared to contribute to the discussion." And the most surprising take-away? Professor Gomes had anticipated his students would be agreeable toward one another in the conversation. Instead, they came with their own ideas, ready to engage in civil debate and challenge one another respectfully. Social learning for the win! Contact us if you’d like to explore AI-enhanced, small-group discussions in your classroom. Embed contact us form