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Grading + AI Coffee Chat

Grading + AI Coffee Chat

Breakout Learning hosted a community coffee chat around the role of Grading and AI, and sharing the results of our grading survey.


Thank you to our wonderful professors yesterday, diving into the latest on how AI could reshape grading. Here’s what our community wanted to investigate:

  • Fairer, Faster Feedback: AI could reduce bias and give timely feedback that actually motivates students—helping them learn, not just score points.
  • From Grading to Growing: How can AI make grading less about facts and more about real learning, emphasizing effort, participation, and understanding?
  • Curves and Institutional Grading Models: Many universities have requirements around forced curves or particular grading models – how can AI grading conform to this? And what can it offer in addition to this that may be more comprehensive?
  • Transparent yet Customizable: For AI grading to be effective, its basis for grades needs to be transparent, and professors need to be able to adjust AI’s grading to accommodate additional factors.

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