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Cheating has gone mainstream: what's next for higher-ed?

Cheating has gone mainstream: what's next for higher-ed?

Here’s the uncomfortable truth no one wants to say out loud: cheating is everywhere, and it’s not even surprising anymore. Got assignments piling up? AI tools like ChatGPT are just a few clicks away. Need a quick essay? Done in minutes. It’s not a fringe problem—it’s the problem. And ignoring it won’t make it go away.

When The Chronicle of Higher Education ran their piece, Cheating Has Become Normal, it struck a nerve. For professors, academic integrity feels like a never-ending uphill battle. One professor in the article described their job as being “more like a plagiarism detector than an educator.”


Imagine signing up for a career to inspire critical thinking, only to spend hours each week hunting down bots in student submissions.

The real tragedy? This cycle of cheating isn’t just crushing educators—it’s robbing students of genuine learning.

Why do students cheat?

Spoiler alert: it’s not just laziness. The system itself is broken. Grades have become the holy grail, while critical thinking and curiosity are left to gather dust. Students are chasing A’s, not knowledge. And honestly? Who can blame them in an environment that values rote memorization over real-world skills and problem solving?

AI tools just make cheating easier, faster, and less stigmatized. Faced with assignments that feel like busywork and peer pressure, students often justify it as no big deal: “Everyone else is doing it.” Some might not even realize they’ve crossed a line. After all, no one’s teaching them how to use these tools ethically.

It’s a vicious loop. Students cheat because they think they need to, professors waste time policing it, and what takes the biggest hit? The core purpose of education: learning.

The Bigger Debate: What Is Academic Integrity?

Academic integrity isn’t just about catching cheaters. It’s about creating a learning environment that prioritizes understanding over performance. Right now, the system rewards regurgitating the “right” answers, not tackling complex problems or fostering creativity. No wonder ChatGPT is replacing textbooks—it’s playing the same shallow game the system incentivizes.

Here’s a radical idea: instead of trying to police cheating, what if we reinvented education to make cheating irrelevant? What if classrooms made authentic learning the priority?

Fighting AI? You’re Missing the Point.

AI is here to stay. Fighting against it is like battling calculators in the ’80s or calling Google "cheating" when it first arrived—completely missing the point. Like Google, AI isn’t a shortcut; it’s a tool. At Breakout Learning, we believe that tools like AI, when used responsibly and ethically, can transform education for the better.

Our goal is to ensure students are learning, developing critical thinking, and using AI to enhance—not replace—their skills. That’s why we’ve built solutions to assess critical thinking while empowering students to navigate this new world of AI responsibly.

Our platform flips the cheating narrative on its head. Instead of chasing down plagiarized essays, we create environments where cheating simply doesn’t apply. Breakout uses AI to evaluate meaningful, real-time discussions—dynamic conversations that require active participation, critical thinking, and collaboration. Guess what AI isn’t good at? Genuine, face-to-face human connection.

Rather than focusing on what students can fake, we double down on what they can’t. Breakout discussions tackle the stuff that can’t be Googled or generated in two minutes. The result? Students who think, debate, and engage—not just with professors but with each other.

The Future of Education Starts Now

This isn’t just about rethinking the classroom. How we teach today shapes the kind of professionals our universities produce tomorrow. Do we want a workforce that skips critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration just to get to the outcome—or one that’s innovative, ethical, and ready for real-world challenges? Tools like ChatGPT are only powerful when paired with these skills. Breakout trains them to master it.

Cheating isn’t the enemy; it’s the symptom of a system overdue for a revolution. The rise of AI is our opportunity to stop clinging to outdated academic norms and start building an education model for the 21st century—one that values integrity as more than just a buzzword.

Here’s my challenge to educators, administrators, and anyone who cares about the future of learning: stop fighting the tide. Instead, figure out how to ride it. The tools are here. The only thing left is to—and pardon the cliché—think outside the box.

Want to see for yourself how AI can transform classrooms? Check out Breakout Learning and see what happens when you make cheating irrelevant.

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