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Breakout Rolls Out New Product Features

Breakout Rolls Out New Product Features

Automatic randomized grouping, assignment summary emails and student performance tracking facilitate implementation and interpretation.

Breakout Learning, the award-winning edtech company that uses the power of AI to moderate and evaluate small group discussions, is rolling out three product updates designed to make it easier to deploy assignments to students and utilize the valuable AI-reporting generated by the platform.

Automatic Randomized Grouping: This new feature helps instructors sort students into small groups for their Breakout experiences. By automating this step and directly notifying students of their randomized group assignments, Breakout Learning exercises are now even easier to assign.

Summary Email: Instructors now receive an automated email containing a summary of their students’ session results immediately following each assignment’s deadline. Results are consolidated for all groups into a single email, including participation analytics, highlighted comments, and students’ questions for the instructor. It’s a fast, convenient way to provide instructors with key insights that can be used to lead more targeted and engaging classroom debriefs.

Performance Tracking: Instructors who assign multiple Breakout experiences to the same class are now able to quickly view each student’s performance over time. On each class page, instructors can now view key metrics—such as quiz scores, participation, and Bloom's Taxonomy comprehension scores—over time. This enables them to give students direct feedback on their progress throughout a course.

Instructors who are interested in seeing these new features in action should schedule time with the Customer Success team. Those interested in being the first to try out future product features may sign up to become a beta tester by contacting Account Executive Miranda Parham at

“At Breakout, we’re shaping the future of education and as part of that mission, we are committed to constantly improving our product,” said Parham. “We’re excited about how our product is improving and how users are helping charge the way with us.”