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Breakout Learning Ready to Steal the Spotlight at AOM 2024

Breakout Learning Ready to Steal the Spotlight at AOM 2024

Innovative ed tech company Breakout Learning will have a strong presence at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM 2024) in Chicago next month.

The Annual Meeting is the world's premier event for scholarly engagement and the largest gathering of management and organization scholars globally. The annual event draws more than 10,000 attendees from the international business school community.

Throughout the event, which runs from August 9-13, Breakout Learning executives and members of its Academic Advisory Board will be providing rolling demonstrations of the company’s learning platform and interactive business case studies in a captivating 20-by-20-foot island booth assembled inside the Hyatt’s Grand Ballroom.

On Friday, August 9, from 9:00–12:00 CT, Olav Sorenson of UCLA Anderson will highlight Breakout’s AI-powered platform as the latest innovation for teaching leadership. Sorenson, who serves as the Board Chair on Breakout’s Academic Advisory Board, will present for 25 minutes during the session titled Evidence-Based Tools for Leadership Development. It will take place in Swissotel Zurich B12.

Then on Saturday, August 10, from 13:00 – 14:00 CT, Co-founder Steven Walters and Noah Askin of UCI Merage will discuss the Breakout method in a session titled Breakout Learning—Using AI to Modernize the Classroom. This session will take place in Exhibit Hall Theatre inside the Hyatt’s Grand Ballroom

“As AOM is the largest gathering of management and organization scholars in the world, there’s no better setting for us to illustrate how our discourse-focused learning format is more effective at engaging and educating students,” said Co-founder and CEO Ramit Varma. “We look forward to sharing with attendees why business professors everywhere are ditching PDFs for a multi-faceted case-study experience that’s better suited for today’s students.”

For more information about these events and to RSVP for individual sessions, please click here.