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Breakout Learning Adds Leading Negotiation Scholars to Academic Advisory Board

Breakout Learning Adds Leading Negotiation Scholars to Academic Advisory Board

Breakout Learning has appointed two award-winning professors, Dr. Daylian Cain of Yale School of Management and Dr. Gus Cooney of the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, to co-lead the company's negotiation practice on its Academic Advisory Board.

Cain is a Senior Lecturer in Negotiations, Leadership, and Ethics at Yale School of Management. Cain likes to say that he studies, “Why smart people do dumb things.” His research has been cited in numerous outlets, including Time Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, and the New Yorker. Cooney is a Senior Lecturer in the Operations, Information, and Decisions Department of the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania, where he teaches its top-ranked negotiation course. His research has been featured in leading journals and prominent media outlets such as The New York Times and Harvard Business Review.

Both professors will oversee the development of negotiation cases and simulations for Breakout Learning, collaborating with the company’s designers and other leading academics. The pair is currently co-authoring several simulations including "Moringa Leaf," where students represent organizations that must strike a creative deal to access a rare medicinal extract, and "Top Talent," where they negotiate job terms from the perspective of a biotech recruiter or candidate.

"Breakout Learning's AI-moderated discussions have the potential to revolutionize business education by extending the professor’s observations and conversational nudges into each student-discussion group, all in real time—the prof. can be everywhere at once,” said Cain. “I’m excited to co-create a cutting-edge negotiation curriculum here.” Cooney added, "While other simulation platforms exist, none utilize evaluative AI like Breakout Learning, providing valuable feedback on student commentary and performance during sessions. I am thrilled to help shape the company's offering."

"We are delighted to have Daylian and Gus join our team," said Olav Sorenson, Chair of Breakout Learning's Academic Advisory Board. "Their extensive knowledge and thought leadership in negotiation will be invaluable as we assemble a first-class curriculum for Breakout Learning.”

With the addition of Cain and Cooney, Breakout Learning continues its commitment to providing dynamic and immersive learning experiences that revive the lost art of discourse and inspire critical thinking.